Cranial-Sacral Therapy

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I practice Bio-Dynamic Cranial-Sacral Therapy [BCST] where I often begin by placing my hands, usually on my clients’ feet, and then I become very still and listen. As I listen, questions naturally occur and so listening becomes active inquiry. How does this left leg feel in relationship to the right? How is the tightness and holding in ankles have to do with the neck? This deeply engaged listening gives the client an opportunity to drop into their fluid matrix and begin experiencing their inner landscape in a new way and navigating sensation.

Powerful healing can occur when one begins to trust and listen to the powerful innate intelligence within our very cells. With deep listening skills and subtle palpation, the holding pattern or ‘fulcrum’ becomes expressed. This allows for healing and deep body-mind integration of past trauma. By activating the flow of cerebral spinal fluid, via the occipital-sacral pump, there is a tremendous opportunity for the fluid potency, ‘breath of Life’ to literally bathe and clear the tissues of inflammation and stagnation.

I love this work because it is nuanced and gentle and yet very deep and profound. For this reason, it is a tremendous tool for working with people suffering PTSD, chronic pain, depression, adrenal exhaustion, birth trauma, insomnia, migraines, and more.

Cranial-Sacral Therapy
with Eva Tree

Truly, I believe this work is of huge benefit to everyone. We are all on our “hero’s journey”, so whether you are dealing with chronic pain due to injury, or impacted by shock and trauma from the ancestral line, or simply someone who wants to access a deeper way of being embodied, this work has something to offer you.

Babies gain special benefit from cranial work as their systems are so fast to respond and make changes in regards to facial bones, cranial molding, or birth trauma. I have studied embryology and birth strain implications in adults as well as sacred geometry as it pertains to cranial work.

From the simplest perspective, for me, BCST is about recovering and ‘re-membering’ who we truly are as vastly gorgeous intelligent beings, blessed with the opportunity of being alive and fully embodied. How easy it is in this culture to forget who we are! How can we heal from old scars and emotional wounds by freezing, disappearing, shutting down, or running away? BCST offers a profound and gentle way to find your way back home.

These concepts may seem strange or unusual at first. Literally a new internal landscape. What story has my liver been waiting all these years to tell me? Can I feel sensation in my back, my sacrum, my navel? Sometimes you may be in the ‘trenches’ as you work through an injury or trauma, but on the other side, you reclaim yourself. How amazing is that?

BCST offers a powerful healing path to those who are seeking health empowerment. I am delighted and honored to be called to this path in service and to cheer alongside a client, on their road to vital health.

If you feel called to take the next step on your healing journey of reclaiming joy, vibrancy, and spaciousness, now is the time to experience this potent bio-dynamic method.