
Gratitude for my Teachers

Maestro Puma Quispe Singona [Link]

Currently Maestro Puma is my primary teacher. He is an incredible heart-centered wisdom carrier and highly respected Andean Medicine Man and healer and is a direct descendent of the lineage of the Seven Sacred Rays (the Q’anchis Illya). Struck by lightning as a child, he was chosen by the Apus and the thunder Gods to be a very powerful global medicine man and mystic-shaman. Puma comes from a long lineage of healers through his grandfather, Don Maximo—Papa Kai, and the revered healer and elder, Mama Irene.

I am honored and greatly privileged to carry the Q’anchis Illya (Rainbow Lineage), as received from Maestro Puma.

The experience of serving as a teacher’s assistant for Puma’s year-long Peruvian Healing Practices and Sacred Ceremonial Services Immersion has been an immense learning opportunity. We have explored Inca wisdom, mythology, and Cosmo-vision, and awoken the healer, the leader, and the ritualist (ceremonialist) within.

Don Juan & Don Ivan Núñez del Prado

Hatun Karpay (The Great Initiation)

I am also deeply honored to hold the lineage of Professor Don Juan Núñez del Prado and his son, Don Ivan. Don Juan has dedicated his life to synthesizing, researching, and studying with many indigenous Masters and received powerful transmissions and Karpays (teachings/initiations) over many years. In order to fully understand what these top teachers of their times were teaching, Don Juan not only applied anthropological methods, but also delved deeply into Jungian psychology, as well as sociology, quantum physics, and comparative religion. Some years later, Ivan followed in his father’s footsteps.

Today they both are recognized as important spiritual teachers of Latin America and abroad and continue to develop and share this great work. They have made a powerful bridge and are able to explain the ancient wisdom of the Incas in an understandable and comprehensive manner by weaving mysticism with western science. Truly, they are both a living field of knowledge and they are dedicated to anchoring and igniting these seeds of wisdom throughout the planet.

The Hatun Karpay (Great Initiation) is organized and taught in three parts:

  • The Phana (right) side of the Inca path comes directly from the teachings of Don Benito Qoriwaman.
  • The Chaupay (middle) comes from the teachings of Q’ero Master Don Andres Espinoza.
  • The Lloqe (left) comes from the teachings of Don Melchor Deza, the left side master, and Tata Lorenzo, keeper of the knowledge of Lake Titikaka.

Don Juan had the good fortune to work for many years with one of the master Paqos of his time, Don Benito Qoriwaman, who was a legendary mystical teacher and healer. Don Benito and his wife Doña Natividad worked very closely together in healing sessions, as she could see what a client needed, and he then was able to perform the healing.

His spiritual ancestry lineage (called Wacho) goes back to Huascar Inka, the last free Inka. For 500 years this knowledge was passed on from teacher to student, most recently from Don Benito to Juan and from him to me (and I, in turn, pass this line on to my students).

Vilma Pinedo

Vilma Pinedo is a master hampeq (healer) and fourth generation Quechua Curendera (Medicine woman) from the Andes. She was initiated into her healing life when her mother was struck by lightening while she was pregnant with Vilma. Vilma is the granddaughter of Dona Natividad Challayku and Don Benito Qoriwoman from Wasao, the famous teacher of professor Juan Núñez del Prado. [Don Benito is also called Don Juan Núñez del Prado.] I’ve had the great good fortune to walk with Vilma and learn some of her powerful yet humble ways of communicating with our Pachamama, our Apus and Nustakuna, and our spiritual Allies.

Vilma is a heart-centered teacher who honors her teachers and her teachers’ teachers with humility, reverence, and love. She teaches how to be a humpeq (healer) and heal ourselves so that we may be of best service to our beautiful Earth mother and to humanity. Receiving Karpay blessings of healing and initiation from Vilma on a recent pilgrimage to Peru to work with the sacred Nawikuna (energy eyes) within our poqpo (energy bubble), and connecting them to sacred sites (wakas), was a profound, life-changing experience which has touched all areas of my healing work and teaching.

Karpay (teaching) from Vilma, in Ayni (reciprocity), becomes a sacred Kullya (gift) to Don Juan

My Peruvian pilgrimage began with a powerful Karpay blessing from Vilma at Lake Huacarpay where her grandfather, the revered healer Don Benito, trained and initiated many Paqos, including my teacher Don Juan.  The sacred Waka where I received a Hatun Karpay was the same lake where Don Benito did this Karpay for Don Juan.

When I was in Peru, I was able to give a crystal Kullya to Don Juan, programmed with the Karpay I received from Vilma. This was a powerful confirmation and alignment of all the many blessings and karpays that continue to irrigate, ignite, transform, and inform my path of sacred service.

It was a beautiful circle of ayni (reciprocity) and munay (love)!

My ancestry is primarily of Northwestern European descent: British, Swiss, and Irish. Through my father, I carry a love of language, as he was a writer, performance poet and a musician. From my mother and maternal grandmother came my love of song and singing, as well as a life chosen in the healing path, following in my mother’s footsteps. Both my mother and father introduced me to mysticism and the study of spirituality around the world. Since my earliest memories, I have been steeped in the song of sacred nature, and welcomed into the path of beauty by both of my artistic parents who were always creating altars of beauty through painting, words, handmade jewelry, and collected gifts from PachaMama.